20th Ramadan Conquest of Makkah (Fateh Makkah)

The truth has come, and falsehood has vanished. Undoubtedly the falsehood was certain to vanished.

[Surah Bani Israel: Verse 81]

At the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet Huzur Muhammadﷺ announced general amnesty to all except those who were guilty of blasphemous(Ghustakhi) acts and sacrilegious statements.

In Bukhari there is hadith that one person found in The Kabah holding Cloth of Kaaba but prophetﷺ Ordered to kill him because of Blasphemous acts & Both Nasai and Sunan Abu Daud, famous Hadith books, narrate that a slave Jew woman was killed by her master for her repeated blasphemy against the Prophet and when the case was brought to the Prophet’s notice he declared no retaliation against the master. (Hadith No.4348)

The death punishment assigned for blasphemy is agreed by all Islamic scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah and, is normally covered in Islamic juridical texts.

Because of the evidence for blasphemy punishment being based on Ahadith, certain reported incidents during the lifetime of the Prophet Huzurﷺ and unanimous agreement of all Islamic scholars in all the ages (Ijma) on it.

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