15th Ramadan Blessed Birthday (Youm E Wiladat) of Hazrat Imām Ḥasan رضي الله عنه

The 15th of Ramadān was one of the happiest days in the life of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ as it was when his grandchild Imām Ḥasan رضي الله عنه was born. He resembled his grandfather the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ from head to the chest and Sayyidunā Imām Ḥusāyn  رضي الله عنه resembled him below to his feet. Their mother Sayyidāh Fātimah رضي الله عنها  walked like the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ and all of them had some traits of his elegance and beauty. Now imagine, how heavenly majestic that gathering must have been in which they all sat together! Our hearts be ransomed on the soil on which they walked and insects that watched them sit.

Kya baat Razā us chamanistān e karam ki
Zaaḥrā hai kali jisme Ḥusāyn aur Ḥasan phool

کیا بات رضا اس چمنستان کرم کی
زہرا ہے کلی جس میں حسین اور حسن پھول

Peace and blessings be upon their Master ‎ﷺ and them.

Ahl al-Sunnah Wal Jama’ah i.e. al-Ash’arīah Wa al-Māturīdiyyāh #Raza 📖

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