Some evidence of celebrating Māwlid-un-Nabī!

Some evidence of celebrating Māwlid-un-Nabī!

'O Allāh 'azza wa jal! Open the doors of knowledge and wisdom for us, and have mercy on us! 'O the One Who is the Most Honourable and Glorious!
Some people simply reject numerous pieces of evidence and simply ask that prove evidences of Mawlid from Qur'ān and Sāḥih Hadīth. Alḥamdulillāh, akhī we are going to do that just keep reading..

Allāh says in Holy Qur'ān, Sūrah al-Anbiyā, v.177: "And We have not sent you, ['O Muḥammad], except as a mercy to the worlds." And in the Holy Qu'rān, Sūrah Yūnus, v. 58: "In the bounty of Allāh and in His Mercy - in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate."
Hence without any shadow of doubt arrival of Rasūlullāh ﷺ is a mercy not only upon us but all worlds and creations of Allāh, thus we should rejoice as ordered in Qur'ān al-Kareem.

Allāh says in Holy Qur'ān regarding Prophet Yaḥya 'alayhi as-salām: "And peace be upon him the day he was born and the day he dies and the day he is raised alive."
So the days when the Anbiyā 'alayhi mus-salām are born are days of "tranquility" in the sight of Allāh jala wa 'alā.

Sayyidunā Abū Qatada Ansari reported that Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: "It is (the day) when I was born and revelation was sent down to me." [Sāḥih Muslim, Book 6, Hadīth 2606].
It is clear from this Hadīth that the beloved Prophet ﷺ was very happy about the day of his blessed birth and so fasted out of gratitude. Fasting is a form of worship, so one can celebrate this day by any form of worship. One can fast or hold gatherings or provide food for poor people, all being acts of worship.

Narrated by Sayyidunā 'Ursa: Thuwaiba was the freed slave girl of Abū Lahab whom he had manumitted, and then she suckled the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ.
When Abū Lahab died, one of his relatives saw him in a dream in a very bad state and asked him, "What have you encountered?" Abū Lahab said, "I have not found any rest since I left you, except that I have been given water to drink in his (the space between his thumb and other fingers) and that is because of my manumitting Thuwaiba." [Sāḥih Bukhārī, Volume 7, Book 62, Hadīth 38].
Abū Lahab freed Thuwaiba on joy at the birth of the Prophet ﷺ, even the worst of Kuffār and greatest of enemies is given relaxation in his Adhāb due to freeing Thuwaiba by pointing with his finger, so just imagine the situation of a mu'min (believer) who rejoices on Mawlid-un-Nabī.

Sayyidunā Ibn 'Abbās reported that Rasūlullāh ﷺ came to Madinah and saw the Jews fasting on the tenth day of Muharram. They were asked about that and they replied: "This is the day, on which Allāh made Moses and the children of Israel emerge victorious over Pharoah (Fir'āun). So, we fast on it, 'Out of glorification to it'."
Rasūlullāh ﷺ said: "We have more claim over Moses than you." So, he ﷺ ordered Muslims to fast on it." [Sāḥih Muslim, Volume 2, Hadith 1130]
If Jews glorify their days to venerate Sayyidunā Mūsā 'alayhi as-salām then we Muslims have more right to venerate and rejoice on the day when Ashraful Anbiyā Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ was born, this is an accepted analogy as 'Ulamā have derived this specific ruling from Ahadīth.

Hadrat 'Anas bin Mālik narrates that Rasūlullāh ﷺ while mentioning his journey of Mi'rāj explains: Jibrīl 'alayhi as-salām asked me to go get off from Burāk at Bethlehem and told me to say the prayer there, after which he said: "Do you know where you have prayed ('O Messenger of Allāh)? You prayed where Isā was born." [Sunan an-Nasa'i, Volume 1, Hadith 448].
So the Mawlid and the places where Prophets 'alayhi mus-salām are born are amongst Sha'ir (signs to be venerated) of Allāh.

Iblīs (Shaytān) has only cried loudly four times. He cried when Allāh declared him cursed, when he was thrown out of Jannah, when Sūrah al-Fātiḥa was revealed and can you guess the last one? That was when Ashraful Mursaleen - the most hounored amongst all Prophets, the greatest of creation, Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ came to this world.
Now the question is. Why do some people (especially Wahābis) cry nowadays when we celebrate the birth of our Master? That is their waswasa (delusion) and something that you only can ask them.

Did the Sahaba 'alaihimurridwān celebrate Mawlid?
Ameer ul-Mu'āwiyah reported that Rasūlullāh ﷺ came to a circle of his companions and said, "What has made you sit together?"
They replied: "We sat to pray to Allāh and to praise Him for guiding us to His religion, and for blessing us with you."
He ﷺ asked, "By Allāh, nothing else made you sit together?"
They replied: "By Allāh nothing else made us sit together!"
He ﷺ said, "Know that I did not make you swear on this because I doubted you, but because Jibrīl came to me and informed me that Allāh is proudly showing you off to the Angels!" [Sunan an-Nasa'i, Book 49, Hadīth 5428].
Hence it is well proven that the Sahāba gathered together to praise Allāh for blessing us with the Beloved Habīb ﷺ and even Allāh is happy and showing it to the Angels. Just imagine how much Allāh would be happy when we slaves gather and praise Allāh for blessing us with mercy for all worlds, leader of Mankind and Jinns, the Imām of Anbiyā, Ashraf al-Mursaleen Khayr ul-Bashar an-Nūr al-'Aqib Sayyidunā Muḥammad ﷺ!

The greatest innovation ever struck this 'Ummah in the last 14 centuries was the desperate attempt to try and remove the love and devotion that the believers had in their hearts for the Messenger of Allāh, ﷺ.
We would not have known Ramadhān, Laylat al-Qadr, Taraweeḥ, Zakāt, Ḥajj, 'Id, or our Lord without him ﷺ (etc.)
It is a bid'ah (innovation) to not be madly in love with Rasūlullāh ﷺ!
"We shall celebrate the Birth of the Master ﷺ until the Day of Resurrection. We shall demolish the Forts of Najd, like the Palaces of Persia!"
- Sayyidī Ālahazrat Imām Aḥmed Razā Khān Fazl-e-Barelwī raḥmatuLlāh 'alayh
Tu Zinda Hai Wallāh, Tu Zinda Hai Wallāh!
Mere Chasm-e-Alam Se Chup Jāne Wale!

You are Alive, by Allāh you are Alive!
'O the one veiled from my physical sight!

#RabbiulAwwal #Allah #Sayyiduna #Muhammad #Rasulullah #Islam #Sunni #Maturidi #Ashari #Hanafi #Maliki #Shafi #Hanbali #Naqshbandi #Qadri #Chisti #Sohurwardi #Tassawuf #Sufi #Love #YaAllah #YaRasulullah #IslamicSunniPage #Love #Quran #Hadith

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